“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” -Theodore Roosevelt
Portland, OR 2014
Work and work and sun and fun!
Nature's Best show, Hawaii 2014
New Seasons - Williams ave. Come and git it!
Courtesy of Chris Planas!
Courtesy of Andrew Chae.
Slat wall WF PCH
New Seasons Market endcaps - All stores
Fancy Food Show, SF CA. 2014
Fancy Food Show, SF CA. 2014
Did you know? A giraffe's heart is 2 feet long and weighs about 25 pounds, and its lungs can hold 12 gallons of air!
Be sure to check for the new Chomperz and Stix. Coming soon. Fancy Food Show, SF CA. 2014
Good times with good people! The team that Trabajos together... Tahoes together. :)
Whole Foods Reno... in route to Lake Tahoe. 2013
Lake Tahoe 2013
Gina and Chloe... song birds. Lake Tahoe 2013.
Mt Hood National Forest 10/2013
Usnea (old man's beard) hanging from the trees in the forest. This herb is carefully wildcrafted and used for bladder and kidney health.
Alive and Radiant supports Washington residents right to know!
A teepee trellis of Hops at the Oregon's Wild Harvest Farm
Randy holding up Artichoke Leaf on the farm. Organic Artichoke is a new item(capsule) at OWH.
Amanita Muscaria(fly agaric) a poisonous and psychoactive fungus. The first thing Gina saw on her wild crafting hike in the Mt. Hood National Forest with Oregon's Wild Harvest. 10/2013
Mt Hood National Forest
Enjoying a non-alcoholic, gluten free beer. JUST KIDDING! That's a Workhorse... and a Workhorse IPA!